User Info: thomas0115
197 problems solved.
Total points: 2654.66
General (457 points)
- Mirrored Pairs (3 / 3)
- Sorting (5 / 5)
- The Super Mario Blues (5 / 5)
- Light Cyclin' (20 / 20)
- A plus B (2 / 2)
- A plus B 2 (15 / 15)
- Coin Change (10 / 10)
- 3n+1 (5 / 5)
- A Game (10 / 10)
- Longest Increasing Subsequence (10 / 10)
- Counting Subsequences (10 / 10)
- Super Special Awesome Numbers =D (10 / 10)
- Trailing Bears! (7 / 7)
- Shortest Code (10 / 10)
- Math on Titan (15 / 15)
- Good Strategy (15 / 15)
- Good Debugging (30 / 30)
- Good Celebration (25 / 25)
- King Graff's Trip (15 / 15)
- Connected Components (10 / 10)
- Directed Acyclic Graph (10 / 10)
- Factorial Sum List (5 / 5)
- Prime Bag (23 / 23)
- Primes (3 / 3)
- Primes 2 (15 / 15)
- Primes 3 (20 / 20)
- Skyscrapers (15 / 15)
- Subway Routes (17 / 17)
- Brap Lesh Mafia (5 / 5)
- Stingy Candyman (10 / 10)
- Rabbit Girls (5 / 5)
- Dog Girls (15 / 15)
- Tenri (20 / 20)
- Kirito (25 / 25)
- Esdeath (20 / 20)
- Secret Santa (10 / 10)
- Lil' Jami (7 / 7)
CCC Stage 1 (651 points)
- CCC96S3 - Pattern Generator (10 / 10)
- CCC98S5 - Mountain Passage (10 / 10)
- CCC99S4 - Knightly Pursuit (10 / 10)
- CCC00S5 - Sheep and Coyotes (20 / 20)
- CCC00J4S2 - Babbling Brooks (7 / 7)
- CCC01J2 - Mod Inverse (3 / 3)
- CCC01J5S3 - Strategic Bombing (10 / 10)
- CCC01S4 - Cookies (10 / 10)
- CCC01J4S2 - Spirals (5 / 5)
- CCC02J4S2 - Fraction Action (5 / 5)
- CCC02J5S3 - Blindfold (5 / 5)
- CCC02S4 - Bridge Crossing (10 / 10)
- CCC02S5 - Bouncing Ball (10 / 10)
- CCC03S4 - Substrings (20 / 20)
- CCC03J3S1 - Snakes and Ladders (5 / 5)
- CCC05J3 - Returning Home (3 / 3)
- CCC05J5 - Bananas (10 / 10)
- CCC05S5 - Pinball Ranking (20 / 20)
- CCC06S3 - Tin Can Telephone (12 / 12)
- CCC07S4 - Water Park (10 / 10)
- CCC07S5 - Bowling for Numbers (10 / 10)
- CCC07J2 - I Speak TXTMSG (3 / 3)
- CCC07S3 - Friends (10 / 10)
- CCC08S5 - Nukit (10 / 10)
- CCC09S1 - Cool Numbers (5 / 5)
- CCC09S4 - Shop and Ship (15 / 15)
- CCC09S5 - Wireless (20 / 20)
- CCC10J2 - Up and Down (5 / 5)
- CCC10J3 - Punchy (5 / 5)
- CCC10S1 - Computer Purchase (5 / 5)
- CCC10S3 - Firehose (15 / 15)
- CCC10S5 - Nutrient Tree (20 / 20)
- CCC11S2 - Multiple Choice (5 / 5)
- CCC11S3 - Alice Through the Looking Glass (10 / 10)
- CCC11J5 - Unfriend (7 / 7)
- CCC11S5 - Switch (12 / 12)
- CCC12S1 - Don't pass me the ball! (3 / 3)
- CCC12S5 - Mouse Journey (10 / 10)
- CCC13S2 - Bridge Transport (5 / 5)
- CCC13J5S3 - Chances of Winning (12 / 12)
- CCC13S4 - Who is Taller? (10 / 10)
- CCC13S5 - Factor Solitare (15 / 15)
- CCC14J4S1 - Party Invitation (5 / 5)
- CCC14S4 - Tinted Glass Window (15 / 15)
- CCC14S5 - Lazy Fox (20 / 20)
- Mock CCC14S4 - Roadtrip Tracking (15 / 15)
- Mock CCC14S5 - Elimination Game (20 / 20)
- CCC15J4 - Wait Time (5 / 5)
- CCC15J5 - Pi-day (10 / 10)
- CCC15S2 - Jerseys (5 / 5)
- CCC15S3 - Gates (7 / 7)
- CCC15S4 - Convex Hull (15 / 15)
- CCC15S5 - Greedy For Pies (20 / 20)
- Mock CCC15J1 - 416 (3 / 3)
- Mock CCC15J5 - Royal Guard (10 / 10)
- CCC16S3 - Phonomenal Reviews (12 / 12)
- CCC16S4 - Combining Riceballs (15 / 15)
- CCC16S5 - Circle of Life (20 / 20)
- CCOQR16 - Stupendous Bowties (15 / 15)
- CCOQR16 - Through A Maze Darkly (15 / 15)
- CCOQR16 - Data Structure (17 / 17)
CCC Stage 2 (678.06 points)
- CCC96 Stage 2 - Train Swapping (7 / 7)
- CCC99 Stage 2 - Maple Roundup (10 / 10)
- CCC00 Stage 2 - Subsets (10 / 10)
- CCC01 Stage 2 - Election Night (30 / 30)
- CCC01 Stage 2 - Fast Food (15 / 15)
- CCC02 Stage 2 - Connect the Campus (10 / 10)
- CCC03 Stage 2 - Longest Substring (20 / 20)
- CCC06 Stage 2 - CN Tower (10 / 10)
- CCC06 Stage 2 - CN Tower 2 (30 / 30)
- CCC07 Stage 2 - Bowling for Numbers++ (30 / 30)
- CCC07 Stage 2 - Gerrymandering (20 / 20)
- CCC09 Stage 2 - Dinner (32 / 40)
- CCC10 Stage 2 - Tree Pruning (15 / 15)
- CCC10 Stage 2 - Computer Purchase Return (10 / 10)
- CCC10 Stage 2 - Wowow (20 / 20)
- CCC11 Stage 2 - Vampire Tunnels (15 / 15)
- CCC11 Stage 2 - Spies Like Us (5.56 / 10)
- CCC11 Stage 2 - Reorganization (15 / 15)
- CCC12 Stage 2 - Choose Your Own Arithmetic (7 / 7)
- CCC12 Stage 2 - Hungary Games (15 / 15)
- CCC12 Stage 2 - Mhocskian Languages (20 / 20)
- CCC12 Stage 2 - Editor Distance (10 / 10)
- CCC12 Stage 2 - Sample Size (10 / 10)
- CCC13 Stage 2 - All Your Base Are Belong To Palindromes (10 / 10)
- CCC13 Stage 2 - Tourney (15 / 15)
- CCC13 Stage 2 - LHC (17 / 17)
- CCC13 Stage 2 - A Romantic Movie Outing (20 / 20)
- CCC13 Stage 2 - Transforming Comets (25 / 25)
- CCC13 Stage 2 - Repetitivity (25 / 25)
- CCC14 Stage 2 - Troyangles (10 / 10)
- CCC14 Stage 2 - King Gruff (15 / 15)
- CCC14 Stage 2 - Werewolf (25 / 25)
- CCC14 Stage 2 - Where's That Fuel? (7 / 7)
- CCC14 Stage 2 - Early Exam Evacuation (25 / 25)
- CCO15 - Hungry Fox (12 / 12)
- CCO15 - Artskjid (15 / 15)
- CCO15 - Cars on Ice (12 / 15)
- CCO15 - Eggscavation (28.5 / 30)
- CCO16 - Field Trip (10 / 10)
- CCO16 - Splitting Hares (15 / 15)
- CCO16 - O Canada (10 / 10)
- CCO16 - Zombie Apocalypse (15 / 15)
IOI (372.6 points)
- IOI '94 - The Triangle (7 / 7)
- IOI '98 - Picture (20 / 20)
- IOI '98 - Polygon (15 / 15)
- IOI '01 - Mobile Phones (15 / 15)
- IOI '02 - Batch Scheduling (17 / 17)
- IOI '05 - Rivers (30 / 30)
- IOI '07 - Sails (30 / 30)
- IOI '08 - Islands (30 / 30)
- IOI '09 - Hiring (30 / 30)
- IOI '09 - Salesman (18.6 / 30)
- IOI '09 - Raisins (15 / 15)
- IOI '09 - Mecho (15 / 15)
- IOI '10 - Traffic Congestion (15 / 15)
- IOI '11 Practice Task - Hottest (5 / 5)
- IOI '12 - Crayfish Scrivener (20 / 20)
- IOI '13 - Dreaming (20 / 20)
- IOI '13 - Art Class (30 / 30)
- IOI '14 - Friend (25 / 25)
- IOI '15 - Boxes with Souvenirs (15 / 15)