2012 Canadian Computing Competition, Stage 2
Day 1, Problem 3: Mhocskian Languages
Linguists are currently studying Mhocskian, the language of the native inhabitants of Mhocsky island. The linguists have found a description of how the natives construct words in Mhocskian, and a list of words. The linguists would now like to know which of the words in the list are valid Mhocskian words.
Words in Mhocskian are constructed according to a set of rules. These rules involve two types of components: variables and terminals. A variable is an uppercase letter used in the description of the rules. A terminal is a lowercase letter that is part of a Mhocskian word.
There are two types of rules. The first type of rule allows you to replace a variable by two variables in that order, and we write as a short form for this type of rule. The second type of rule allows you to replace a variable by a terminal , and we write as a short form for this type of rule.
One of the variables is the start variable. A word w is composed of lowercase letters from the English alphabet. It is a valid Mhocskian word if, starting from the start variable, it is possible to follow a sequence of rules to obtain w.
Suppose we have variables , terminals , and rules
The word "ab" is a valid Mhocskian word because it can be constructed in the following way: . The word "a" can be constructed simply by . The word "b" cannot be constructed.
Input Format
On the first line, two integers V and T in that order.
On the second line, V space separated uppercase letters, the variables. The first variable on the line is always the start variable.
On the third line, T space separated lowercase letters, the terminals.
On the fourth line, there is an integer R1. R1 lines follow, each of which is of the form , representing a rule .
On the next line, there is an integer R2. R2 lines follow, each of which is of the form , representing a rule .
On the next line, there is an integer W. W lines follow; each contains a single word made entirely of lowercase letters.
Output Format
The output must contain W lines. On line i, output a 1 if the ith word is a valid Mhocskian word, and 0 otherwise.
1 ≤ V,T ≤ 26
1 ≤ R1 + R2 ≤ 30
1 ≤ W ≤ 20
Each of the words in the linguists' list will have length between 1 and 30.
Sample Input
5 2 I S A B C a b 2 A a B b 7 I A B I A C C S B S A B S A C I S S S S S 4 abababaaabbbaabbaabb abab bbaa aaabababbaaabbbb
Sample Output
1 1 0 1
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Point Value: 20 (partial)
Time Limit: 2.00s
Memory Limit: 64M
Added: Jun 20, 2012
Languages Allowed:
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