*Note*PEG is looking for sponsors for more information go to the about section.Welcome to Woburn's Programming Enrichment Group! |
4/5/2009 - Updates!
Canadian Computing Competition (CCC):: Brian and Hanson received a perfect score!
Toby and Jacob got 64 and 60, while Amarvir had 53.
All 5 advance to Stage 2, where 20 people in Canada compete for the IOI team. Congratulations!
TCHS Finals (January): Brian placed 12th, Hanson placed 29th, and Jacob placed 72nd.
(Toby narrowly missed the final round).
ECOO: Both teams (Woburn #1, #2) qualified for the regionals! The regionals will be held on April 25th, 2009.
Woburn #1 was Hanson, Toby, Matthew, and Saravannan.
Woburn #2 consisted of Jacob, Brian, Harun, and Andy.
ACSL: All three divisions qualify for the ACSL finals. This year's ACSL will be in Huntsville, Alabama.
11/13/2008 - Some updates over the past 3 months:
DWITE: Due to some errors in their test data, Brian and Hanson only placed 6th and 9th, respectively. Toby was 17th, while Jacob ended up 28th. A good effort by all who participated!
The next round is on Nov. 20th.
TopCoder: Brian won a TCHS round, while Jacob placed 2nd in another round.
Both Jacob and Brian are now yellow (rated 1500+).
Congratulations to both!
SPOJ High School Round 1: Hanson placed 17th overall (out of over 400+ people). Woburn placed 10th in the school rankings, with the help of Jacob, Harun, Brian, and Toby.
Bosco and Saravannan also participated.
Round 2 is still running - let's try to keep it up.
USACO November: Hanson, Jacob and Brian scored 800, 560, and 230 respectively in the Gold Division.
Meanwhile, Toby scored perfect in Silver - he now qualifies for Gold. Congrats! Harun got 561 in the same division.
In Bronze, Saravannan was close to perfect (886) and will be promoted to Silver!
Bosco and Hao followed with 600.
Andy and Scott were not too far behind.
08/24/2008 - Hanson is back from the IOI and brought back a gold medal. This is an accomplishment that can be put on par with the olympic gold medals (should be 4 medals now!).
Hanson has trained with dedication and earned this gold medal. As the Beijing Olympics ends, this news post will also be my last for this site and I hope that everybody can look up to Hanson as a role model. It shows that not only
talent can win a medal but hard work and dedication that really makes the difference. On behalf of our grade 12 year, I would like to say that we were honoured to be taught by Mrs. Plachta and we enjoyed teaching
the juniors. This year was a great year (like every year) as we accomplished many goals and surpassed some. Also, be sure to congratulate Guru for entering stage 2 of Google Code Jam (going to compete in NYC) and for being an amazing president of PEG this year.
We will be missing PEG as we have gained wonderful memories, knowledge and friends. Thank You and Good Luck to the future of PEG.
(We will be coming back here sometimes and we also hope to update the site again to incorporate a judge).
06/01/2008 - News from the CCC has arrived from Waterloo. Hanson Wang finished second
in Canada and he won the gold medal. He will be representing Canada at the International Olympiad
in Informatics(IOI) to be held in August in Egypt as one of the top four Canadian students to attend the event.
Three of our students (Brian Bi , Guru Guruganesh and Jacob Plachta) won silver medals and two of our students (David Teng and Colman Ing)
won bronze medals. Congratulations to all of these students (especially Hanson)!
05/27/2008 - Earlier in the week our 3 teams (senior, junior and intermediate) competed in the ASCL.
The junior team finished third with one point behind second place. They got perfect in programming (in fact all
our teams got perfect in programming) , but did not do so well in short questions. Compared to the rest of the competition they
were the only grade 7 students compared to the other juniors who were in grade 9. Our senior team also finished 3rd and were also
and lost on the fourth tie breaker to second place. We did manage to take first place with our intermediate team. The short questions
were really hard this year (but Brian got perfect). Congratulations to all the teams and good luck to those of you in the CCC.
05/15/2008 - Today was the final round of ECOO with two of our teams who made it through to the finals. Unfortunately, Woburn #2 could not place but Woburn #1 (Guru Guruganesh, Hanson Wang, Conan Huang and Ray Yau) placed first place and once again inscribed our school onto the ECOO trophy.
This is twice in a row so lets try to make it a hat trick!
05/06/2008 - The final standings for ACSL were released. The senior team placed first and the junior team tied for first. Good job to both teams.
05/05/2008 - Today was the ECOO Stage 2 for Central and Western divisions of ontario. Both woburn teams had trouble on question 4 but managed to move on to the finals.
Woburn team #1 placed 3rd and Woburn #2 placed 6th. Recently there was the US Open hosted by USACO. In the proctored US Open Hanson Wang finsihed 9th in the gold division.
David Teng finished 3rd in the silver division and got promoted to gold division while Jacob Plachta finished 7th. Last but not least, Colman Ing finished 3rd in the bronze division
and got promoted to the silver division. For most of the PEG members PEG is already over and only active and members participating in the ASCL are required to come to meetings.
04/06/2008 - Yesterday was ECOO's regional competition and 3 of our teams were competing with 50 other teams from different schools in the region.
Woburn team #1(Guru, Hanson, Conan and Ray) took first place and Woburn team #2(Colman, David, Jacob and Harun) took second place. Both teams will be moving on and will compete
again in early May. The third woburn team tried their best and came close to moving on but placed 15th. Good try and good job teams!
04/03/2008 - It has been a long while since we've updated with news but we do have good news to share. During March
The TopCoder world finals were held at the Purdue University over the March break. 49 top programmers from around the world were invited and
Hanson finished 12th. In the last USACO two of our students got a perfect score. Lucia Li and Harun Mustafa got a score of 1000 in bronze
division and will be moving up to the silver division. Guru and Jacob got very high scores in their divisions. All three ACSL team won an
early invitation to the finals. Our senior team is right now first in their division,
and our junior team is tied for second place. 13 students will be going to the final stage held in Maryland at the end of May. In relation to the last new posts the CCC invitations were announced.
The cut off mark was 66 and 6 of our students were invited to the second stage (out of 22 from all of Canada). This is our (and any school's in Canada) record.
Brian Bi, Guru Guruganesh, Hanson Wang and Jacob Plachta all received perfects and ranked 1st in the contest. Colman Ing and David Teng ranked high enough to be invited into second stage. Congratulations to all of these students.
02/27/2008 - Yesterday, 19 students of Woburn took part in the CCC(Canadian Computing Competition).
Four of those students got a perfect score 75/75 which is not only the Woburn record, but the Canadian record - in
the history of this contest there have never been more than two perfect scores in the whole country;
we never had more than one. These students are Hanson Wang, Guru Guruganesh, Brian Bi and Jacob Plachta.
These students will make it to second stage. Two other students who achieved high scores were, David Teng
who achieved a score of 72 and Colman Ing who achieved a score of 68 may get invited to second stage. Congratulations!
and I am sure the rest of you tried your best and here are the final results (out of 75).
Brian 75
Hanson 75
Guru 75
Jacob 75
Teng 72
Colman 68
Toby 51
Conan 51
Ray 39
Kevin 39
Matthew W. 36
Sarmad 30
Harun 27
Lucia 27
Matthew Sun 57
Saravannan 48
Bosco 45
Safwan 45
Mike 33
02/19/2008 - Good news just keeps coming our way. Brian Bi has achieved a perfect score in the silver division of USACO, a score that had never been achieved since 2002. February also marks the last competition for the year in DWITE, a provincial high school programming competition. "Beat Guru #1" aka Hanson Wang came first in the province and Team Byakuei (David Teng, Colman Ing, Kevin Singh and Ray Yau) finished at third place. Congratulations to these students and the events have been updated.
01/26/2008 - The first success of the New Year has arrived. Hanson and Guru have made it to the TOPCODER finals. Congratulations!
01/24/2008 - I forgot to grant everybody a happy new year. So, HAPPY NEW YEAR! ACSL contest 2 is coming up and behind that exams and grad photos are on their way. Don't forget that DURING EXAMS THERE IS NO PEG! The events have been updated.
12/26/2007 - We hope you're all enjoying your holidays and practicing at home. Just a reminder for those who recently signed up on the forums, we need you to post your identity in the new thread we created. Thankyou for your cooperation and use the forums more! Only approved/signed up members may see the announcements sections and the identity thread.
11/25/2007 - Wow, we've got a huge schedule within these two months ahead of us. Prepare for your first ACSL contest and keep practicing. The events have been updated as well as the members page. I have sent members an email asking for information so reply if you want your information to be put up. Prepare for some intense meetings. On November the 28th we will be working on short questions in small groups and make sure you ask all your questions on December 12th which is the last meeting before the ASCL contest. That's all for today.
11/18/2007 - We've got some new updates and prepare for more upcoming contests coming your way!
10/28/2007 - OK! So we've started out our PEG year with a lot of students but we're down to 41 people. 10 people STILL need to be cut so make sure you pay attention to the rankings. Your rankings correspond to your activity and performance in PEG and will decide whether you stay in the club or not. It's harsh but its true. Remember PEG meeting is cancelled friday because of a PA Day.
09/09/2007 - If you've noticed anything different with the site, then you've realised that we have included RSS feeds. That means feeds will be generated everytime this site is updated. You can view RSS feeds in different applications. This includes Google's personalized homepages, your cell phone, and even your PSP. This is so you can keep in touch with PEG anywhere and anytime. There are two feeds available: one for news and another for events. If you have Firefox, you can click the orange box in the url to subscribe to either of them or use these links:http://wcipeg.com/pegfeeds.xml and http://wcipeg.com/pegeventfeeds.xml. In the future more feeds may become available, such as the rankings, but that requires a little more tweaking. I hope you all enjoy this update and make use of these RSS feeds.
09/08/2007 - The testimonials have been updated. Andrew Mo has once again described the advantages of PEG and how it has changed his life. Thank you Andrew and good luck in the future.
09/05/2007 - Old and new pictures have been updated, please take a look. A new school year has begun and for those people who are new to this site, this is where news about PEG will be updated. Feel free to look around the site and create an account to post in the forums. Comments and questions are welcomed in our forums. Enjoy your stay!
08/30/2007 - Guru has come back from IOI and unfortunately could not bring back a medal as he was only 3 points away. PEG achievements are also being updated.
06/24/2007 - PEG Party:
FRIDAY, JUNE 29; 1:00 PM until 6:00 PM
Colonel Danforth Park, south of Kingston,
enter Highland Creek Drive at Lawson/Kinston Rd/Colonel Danforth Trail and look for us along the road; preferably at the road's end
water guns; water containers, EXTRA CHANGE OF CLOTHES (A MUST)
frisbies, balls, etc. cards (bridge)
Tell Ms. Plachta that you are coming (at the latest by SUNDAY) and inform her of any dietary restrictions
06/03/2007 - CCC Results:Guru has won gold; he finished second in Canada and will be will be representing Canada at the International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) held in Zagreb, Croatia in August. Hanson - has won silver (and there were very few silver medals this year), and Jacob won the bronze medal.
05/27/2007 - ACSL Finals: Finally, after a five year lull, PEG has achieved yet another double first! Intermediate-5 tied for first place, while Senior-3 beat out all the competition, losing two points overall in the entire contest. Both teams received perfect programming scores. Congratulations all on a job well done!
05/22/2007 - Annnd the PEG team brings back another win! Guru, Hanson, Jacob and Kshitij won the ECOO championship. It is a glorious comeback - as the race for the first place was very tight and after 5 years of not being able to win this contest. Once again, congratulations and good luck on the next competition ACSL!
05/21/2007 - Our TopCoder team came back from the competition bringing back a 2nd place in semifinals by Guru and a team placement of 5th place. Guru finished 7th in the overall individual portion of the contest and won $1500US as a scholarship. The team of Hanson,Jacob and Dave(Teng) finished 7th again. Congratulations everybody and goodluck in ECOO finals.
05/03/2007 - It's a new month and we have more news! Two teams from woburn went to ECOO today and Woburn 1(Hanson + Jacob + Duluxan + David) finished in first place! Both teams advance to the finals.
04/17/2007 - We have the results of the first stage of the Canadian Computing Competition. Three PEG members - Hanson + Guru + Jacob - advanced to the second stage. Colman, Duluxan and Roger won an Honourable Mention. 11 PEG members are on the Canadian Honour Roll. Congratulations!
03/31/2007 - ECOO programming contest. Our Woburn 1 team - Guru + Jacob + Hanson - finished first and completed all the programs under half of the time given (so we are back where we used to be). Woburn 2 (Roger + Duluxan + david + Conan) finished 5th. Both Woburn teams advanced to the next stage and even our unofficial team did very well finishing 7th. Congratulations!
27/03/07 - Congratulations,all three ACSL teams won the invitation to the final stage of ACSL, the ALLSTAR contest to be held in Katy, Texas at the end of May.
21/03/07 - Well, it seems like the site has not been updated but we've been slowly working on it. New photos have been uploaded, our forums is building and there is great news today. Our team has advanced to the finals of the TOPCODER competition and will compete in the on-site contest on May 19 at the Purdue University. Congratulations to Guru - an individual competitor and our team: Jacob, Hanson and David. On the other hand we also have a donations box to the right. This is where we show our goal and the donations we have received. A big thank you to those who have kindly donated already and we hope to receive more donations soon.
11/03/07 - We've finally made the home page compatible with internet explorer and it displays properly now. With all that we've cleared our compatibility issues but if there are any other issues just post it in the forums. We've updated the Gallery with a lot of pictures so be sure to drop by that section of the site. The events have been updated so I hope you're all enjoying your march break...and practicing.
28/02/07 - We have moved to a new site and are still finalizing the move. remember our new site is wcipeg.com. Now that we're in a new site everything will load faster and we are about to upload all of the pictures. Remember PEG is still looking for donations and sponsors. We have a frame to the right ready to fill it up with any sponsors that we receive.
26/02/07 - The about section has been updated and the forums are ready for action. Make sure everyone in PEG makes an account and gets it active.
Also if anyone has any trouble on a homework problem they can always ask for help(only help) in the forums. For those who don't know how to get back to the
main site from the forums, just click the top banner in the forums.
25/02/07 - The forums are here! Thank you Mr.Shulman for putting them up. Everyone can now make their accounts and start discussing about PEG or tst(if you have no idea what that is then go here.)
Share algorithms, problems and code with everyone. Tell your programming friends and make it a community. Events updated!
20/02/07 - Old events cleared! Woburn Challenge 2001 and 2002 are now posted with full solutions and test cases.
New success stories and memories have been posted in the Testominial section. The rankings and gallery have also been updated.
Take a look at the wacky pictures of Mrs. Plachta! o.0 . FORUMS COMING SOON!
09/02/07 - Events Updated! I have updated the members section please email your info to me (rayckyau {at} gmail {d0t} com), and dont make it too long
. Good luck on your ACSL!