A plus B... again
Given two integers A and B (of no more than 100000 digits each), find their exact sum.
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Point Value: 15
Time Limit: 3.00s
Memory Limit: 16M
Added: Oct 24, 2008
Languages Allowed:
C++03, PAS, C, ASM, C#, C++11
Comments (Search)
Also you seem to have a limit of 255 - but as I said above the strings might be up to 100,000 characters long. (I know this won't work for Pascal strings; you have to read() into a char array.)
Another note for Pascal users: this also means you have to take out uses crt and clrscr.
(Otherwise, your lines are only 80 characters long, and big strings don't get outputted properly)
The strings are actually too big for Pascal - you need to manually read input with character arrays.