
Language requests

by bbi5291 on Jul 25, 2009 - 7:25:16 pm UTC
  • (1/0)
Are there languages you guys would like to see added?
(I am in the process of setting up language rules - aplusb2 is too easy in languages that support bignums natively, for example.)

Comments (Search)

I have found out that the grade 12 university class will be doing a lot of scripting, and that PHP will be the preferred language. To help you learn this language I have added it to the judge. Please note that the judge still expects you to read from standard input (using the STDIN variable) and write to standard output (either by simply echoing it or by using the STDOUT variable), and not to use GET and POST.

Fun fact: Almost all of the judge's frontend is written in PHP. (There is some Javascript for the comments system and the autocompletion, but no pure HTML.)


I'm a bit uneasy with Java because it's being taught to students across the continent as an "easier" alternative to C++ but, whatever its merits in the field of application development, only retards understanding of the low-level workings of the computer by abstracting them out of existence while failing to offer any distinct advantage in the expression of algorithms and data structures. (It's not any faster than C/C++ and Pascal, either.)

I'm going to add it anyway because I feel that I am only authorized to act in a role of maintenance and not one of steering, and my views are not of course infallible. Still, you have my warning about the possible evils of Java improperly taken with computer science education.

I suggested it because I kinda need to practice my Java skills before school starts.

Which course are you taking?

Its not for any school courses. Next year, I am gonna join robotics again and I hear that the new control system will be Java capable. So, we are going to see if we can program better in Java compared to classic C/C++ programming.

So far, all I have done is encounter problems and all the solutions that I find are overly complicated. May be its because I am not use to Java and I haven't gotten the basics right. Either way, simple stuff that I want to do doesn't happen.

We're in the process of adding Java, but we've come up against unexpected difficulties.

dw, If I have learned anything in Java, its the fact that Java likes to make everything harder and complicated and gay... :@

Experimental Java support is now enabled. However, because Java is so annoying, error messages like WA will not be reliable --- it could for example mean that you actually exceeded the memory limit. (Here you would get MLE in C++.) Also, the memory reading will not tell you anything at all - it will probably say 2.9M no matter how much memory you use.

This may be fixed in the distant future, or maybe not.

Python has been added, too.

I've been learning Ruby; could you put that in?