Wcipeg 2018 ECOO Qualifier
IOI Tour
This year, the organizers for the IOIO or International Olympiad in Informatics of Ontario, the council known by their clever acronym OIOIO, Organization for International Olympiad in Informatics of Ontario, has decided to add a bit of spice to the programming competitions this year.
For this year's programming circuit, there will be M (1 ≤ M ≤ 30) international host cities, each hosting exactly one programming event. Each city, i, will be identified by its single non-space separated name, Si, and will host a tournament for this year's circuit. Cities are inputted by order of their competition, with the first happening before the second.
All competitors will visit all host cities to participate in all competitions, flying to each host city after the other following the order of their tournaments. There are K (1 ≤ K ≤ 500) number of flights available. Each flight, f, will connect cities Af and Bf with a cost of Cf (1 ≤ Cf ≤ 1 000), meaning competitors can travel bidirectionally from A to B, B to A for Cf. Flights may connect cities that are not host cities, but must nonetheless be considered in travel plans, for connecting flights are possible. At most one flight will exist between any two cities. The total number of cities with flights is guaranteed to be at most 50.
Your task is to help out Ben Chau, an aspiring programmer who wishes to complete this year's circuit. Ben Chau will begin this year's circuit in Toronto. What is the minimal cost for Ben Chau to attend the programming competitions in all M host cities with K available flights? The cost is the sum of all his flight costs, including the final trip back to Toronto.
Input Format:
T (1 ≤ T ≤ 10), followed by T test cases. Each case consists of the following: M (1 ≤ M ≤ 30), K (1 ≤ K ≤ 500) For the next M lines: For each host city i, the name, Si (No more than 50 characters long, no spaces). For the next K lines: For each flight f, the two connected cities, Af, Bf, and the cost, integer Cf (1 ≤ Cf ≤ 1 000).
Output Format:
For each test case, output one integer: the minimal cost for Ben Chau to visit all programming competitions. Output -1
if is impossible for Ben Chau to visit all competitions.
Sample Input:
3 4 6 Toronto Boston Miami Orlando Toronto Boston 1 Boston Orlando 4 Toronto Orlando 5 Toronto Chicago 8 Miami Chicago 3 Boston Chicago 1 1 1 London Toronto Newcastle-Upon-Tyne 1000 6 15 Vancouver ThunderBay Waterloo Yellowknife Edmonton Calgary Toronto Calgary 223 Sudbury Iqaluit 507 Montreal Yellowknife 624 Winnipeg Montreal 340 ThunderBay Waterloo 640 ThunderBay Winnipeg 330 Iqaluit Edmonton 667 Montreal Ottawa 784 Sudbury Ottawa 202 Windsor Vancouver 777 Montreal St.John's 484 London Yellowknife 661 Ottawa Windsor 201 Sudbury Toronto 42 London Quebec 724
Sample Output:
18 -1 10674
To complete the first test case most optimally: Ben Chau stays in Toronto for the first competition (+0). He flies directly to Boston. (+1). Flies Boston ? Chicago ? Miami for the third competition (+4). Flies Miami ? Chicago ? Boston ? Orlando for the last competition (+8). He takes the direct flight back to Toronto (+5). 0 + 1 + 4 + 8 + 5 = 18 Ben Chau cannot reach London in the second case, so it is impossible.
All Submissions
Best Solutions
Point Value: 10 (partial)
Time Limit: 2.00s
Memory Limit: 256M
Added: Jan 28, 2018
Author: williamh
Languages Allowed:
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