2011 Canadian Computing Competition, Stage 1
Problem S1: English or French?
You would like to do some experiments in natural language processing. Natural language processing (NLP) involves using machines to recognize human languages.
Your first idea is to write a program that can distinguish English text from French text.
After some analysis, you have concluded that a very reasonable way of distinguishing these two languages is to compare the occurrences of the letters "t" and "T" to the occurrences of the letters "s" and "S". Specifically:
- if the given text has more "t" and "T" characters than "s" and "S" characters, we will say that it is (probably) English text;
- if the given text has more "s" and "S" characters than "t" and "T" characters, we will say that it is (probably) French text;
- if the number of "t" and "T" characters is the same as the number of "s" and "S" characters, we will say that it is (probably) French text.
Input Format
The input will contain the number N (0 < N < 10000) followed by N lines of text, where each line has at least one character and no more than 100 characters.
Output Format
Your output will be one line. This line will either consist of the word English
(indicating the
text is probably English) or French
(indicating the text is probably French).
Sample Cases
Input3 The red cat sat on the mat. Why are you so sad cat? Don't ask that. OutputEnglish |
Input3 Lorsque j'avais six ans j'ai vu, une fois, une magnifique image, dans un livre OutputFrench |
All Submissions
Best Solutions
Point Value: 5
Time Limit: 2.00s
Memory Limit: 16M
Added: Mar 01, 2011
Languages Allowed:
Comments (Search)
2. Copying code is heavily frowned upon.
And yes, you did. However, as you will likely learn as you progress through the education system, in an instance of plagiarism, all parties are punished. This is why you don't publish your CS assignment solutions in university -- because if somebody copies you three years later, you can lose credit for the course.
Quick note: I for one believe in rehabilitation. I don't really care if you cheat once and never do it again. It's far better to make a mistake and learn from it in my opinion than to irreversibly punish somebody who's learned their lesson.
don't cheat
Ban him
Ban him
plz plz plz
reminder don't cheat
Ban the cheater
ban anitra
plz plz plz with a cherry on top plz
Anitra has to go down
ban him
just don't
just don't do it
it is bad
I suggest making an effort to figure out what's wrong with your code before asking for help. Otherwise, you may find a less than lukewarm response.