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Re: Confusing magicalsoup I said the commas were there for grammar, the question clearly states that there is a period after each word Jul 03, 2018 - 2:50:31 am UTC
Re: Confusing Jim42069 So the period at the end of the last word (in the case of the example, "Imhotep") is just grammar-fixing? Jul 02, 2018 - 9:24:20 pm UTC
Re: Confusing magicalsoup um no, just as you stated, each word is followed by a period as you can clearly see, and there are commas to provide grammar fixes, and is followed means there is a period AT THE END of the string, ca... Jul 02, 2018 - 4:53:17 pm UTC
Confusing Jim42069 I don't understand. It says that "each word is followed by a period or is at the end of the string", while the input has a period AT THE END of the string. Why is this problem's wording so confusing? Jul 02, 2018 - 4:24:13 pm UTC
Re: What am I doing wrong? Shehryar You have to check if the first and last word is Frankenstein. Dec 11, 2016 - 1:27:31 am UTC
What am I doing wrong? rishabswift I keep getting wrong answer even though my solution works for the sample Input and other inputs that I make up. Oct 30, 2016 - 7:43:39 pm UTC