
Delete your own submissions

by bbi5291 on Aug 25, 2009 - 6:37:26 pm UTC
  • (1/0)
You now have the ability to delete your own submissions. There should be a "delete" link next to all of your own submissions. Remember, once a submission is deleted, you no longer receive the points for it. You will receive a popup confirmation dialog asking you if you're sure that you want to delete the submission. After a submission is deleted, the file is still retained on the server, so we may be able to restore your source if you later decide that you were an idiot and you want your code but you don't have it saved locally. Of course, that would be highly annoying and is unlikely to work since it's difficult to identify which file is which.

To admins: You will not receive this annoying popup dialog for two reasons. One: you guys are less likely to accidentally hit "delete" (I hope); two: it makes it easier for you to delete multiple submissions quickly, when the need arises. Also, I have moved "delete" out of the "edit" page.

You can also delete submissions to problems of which you are the author. Remember, we encourage everybody to submit original problems for inclusion in the problemset.

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