
Last Bi-weekly Challenge

by SourSpinach on Jun 04, 2009 - 4:29:26 pm UTC
  • (1/0)
The last "bi-weekly challenge" has recently been posted on the judge (consisting of Boxdropper, Union Laser, and Boxlings). The values of these problems will be reduced after the points deadline for grade 11/12 enriched, which I believe is the end of next week.

Though it's hard to solve these problems for full points, it's very easy to get partial marks on each of them, so a stupid solution might even get you more points than you deserve since the problems are currently worth a lot. This applies to most of the bi-weekly challenge problems from before as well, many of which also have hints posted under them, so if you're looking for some last-minute points, try solving some of these problems partially.

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