User:Brian/Bridge/Responding to a 2NT opening

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Unlike 1NT openings, 2NT openings do not require the opener's partner to announce the HCP range. Most partnerships play 2NT as 20 to 21 HCP, balanced, while those that deviate do so only by a small amount (e.g., 20 to 22). Subsequent bidding after 2NT is similar to subsequent bidding after 1NT, but due to a lack of space, some sequences are not possible. Also, the strength needed is less; 5+ points opposite a 2NT opening is game-forcing.

This page should also be used after 2♣ - 2♦ - 2NT, which shows opener's balanced hand with 22-24 HCP. Think of it as a "delayed" 2NT opening, showing extra strength. In that case, 3+ points in your hand should be considered game-forcing.

Without interference

Responses with 4− HCP
If... then...
I have one 5+-card major Transfer to the major, then pass.
I have 5+ cards in both majors Transfer to the better major, then pass.
Otherwise Pass.

Note that the 1NT invitational sequences are not possible with a 2NT opening since any response to 2NT necessarily anticipates possibly landing in 3NT if suit agreement is not reached. Thus, game-forcing strength is required for any sequence other than transferring and passing.

Responses with game-forcing strength (5+ HCP)
If... then...
I have a 6+-card major Make a Texas transfer and pass.
I have 5-5 in the majors Transfer to the better major, then continue as though you had only one 5-card major (next row).
I have one 5-card major Transfer to the major.
  • If partner accepts normally, rebid 3NT. Partner will pass or sign off in 4 of the major.
  • If partner superaccepts, you are already in game. Pass.
I have 5-4 in the majors Bid 3♣, Stayman.
  • If partner responds 3 of a major, sign off by jumping to the 4 level.
  • If partner responds 3♦, make a Smolen transfer. Partner will sign off in 3NT or 4 of your 5-card major.
I have at least one 4-card major Bid 3♣, Stayman.
  • If partner responds 3♦, denying a 4-card major, sign off in 3NT.
  • If partner responds 3 of your major, sign off by raising to the 4 level.
  • If partner responds 3♥ and you have 4 spades and 3- hearts, rebid 3NT. Partner will pass or sign off in 4♠.
  • If partner responds 3♠ and you have 4 hearts and 3- spades, rebid 3NT. Partner will pass.
Otherwise Raise to 3NT. Partner will pass.
Responses with slam-invitational strength or greater
If... then...
I have no 5-card or longer major, or I don't care about finding a trump fit Make a quantitative raise.
I have a 6+-card major Make a Texas transfer to your suit, then initiate control bidding or bid 4NT, Blackwood.
I have 5-5 in the majors Transfer to the better major, then continue as though you had only one 5-card major (next paragraph).
I have one 5-card major and 3 or fewer of the other major Transfer to the 5-card major.
Otherwise (I have 5-4 in the majors) Bid 3♣, Stayman.
  • If partner responds 3 of a major, initiate control bidding or bid 4NT, Blackwood.
  • If partner responds 3♦, make a Smolen transfer.