User:Andrej/TIGGER WARNING quotes
- "I agree, fuck those square states." (2012)
- "I think the glorification of sophistry in non-science fields is specifically a cause for a lot of the overly dry, blunt writing that many perfectly verbal scientists put out. English majors even compete to come up with the most outlandish textual analyses, boasting in person and online of how they can shoehorn pop culture, harry potter, the beatles, whatever you can imagine into an essay on emerson or shakespeare. Others aren't as specific in their boasting, but a hefty majority of students will eagerly jump into discussions about bullshitting essays.
What I think they fail to realize is that sophistry was never hard for a serious thinker. It's not a challenge for a verbally intelligent person to come up with purple prose or some grandiloquent essay that will please the teacher. In fact, it's trivially easy in comparison to the development of a strong, thoughtful argument that hasn't simply been recycled from someone else. That realization is part of what I believe drives many scientific types toward plain, unadorned writing. They want not only to convey the idea as straightfowardly as possible, but also to convey that they care about ideas more than how loftily they're packaged. So, straightforwardness becomes something to strive toward for many scientists. This is necessary for effective communication in science, but a certain amount of artistry is lost. However, I don't think this is necessarily a bad thing most of the time, because I believe that verbal intelligence is underdeveloped (relatively speaking) in most people. Scientists like Carl Sagan and certain philosophers of science known for their way with words are extremely rare, and those who possess such verbal intelligence often lack education in the humanities and the arts. For scientific purposes, it's generally better to be clear and maybe somewhat boring than run the risk of weakening your writing with foolish attempts at sounding literary." (2012)
- "Enough. I could spend 2000 bucks on bubble wrap or toothpaste and the purchase would be equally valid. Neither your consent nor approval are necessary.
Keep your rosaries off my ovaries, man." (2012, but the comment's deleted.)
- "You're clearly trolling. You're talking about being high in a Paganism, Wicca, and Nature Spiritualities class. You picked one of the only possible academic scenarios in which being high would be par for the course.
You made no argument. What you gave was an anecdote. Nobody but you has any reason to care what grade you got on your religious studies papers. I wasn't bashing pot smoking, as you suggested, nor am I knew to the concept, as you also suggested. I'm just not an r/trees going pagan who assumes that I alone am enlightened about marijuana. Bumping your score down to 0.5/10." (2012)
- "The militarization of U.S. police forces is a persistent problem that extends far beyond any one department or county. By the mid 2000's there were already articles being published in major papers on the stupidly large amount of police resources going into SWAT equipment and training and the various disastrous responses to no knock raids that had been seen. Old man kills a SWAT team member crawling into the house, thinking he's an intruder, and it turns out they're at the wrong house anyway. There are lots and lots of news stories like that, where escalation of force by the police resulted in death and accomplished nothing whatsoever.
That's the thing -- most of the time, no knock SWAT raids amount to nothing more than macho kick-down-the-door-guns-blazing movie bullshit. The vast majority of these raids are conducted to capture non-violent offenders. Where does the funding come from? War on drugs money, baby. Shoot up those non-violent marijuana offenders or die trying. So it is very much a problem for "the government," because without high level funding for prosecution of marijuana-related offenses, most of this stuff wouldn't be possible. " (2012)